Friday, October 29, 2010


the cold on my cheeks
bracing, i am alive

the dark on my eyes
gently, they rest

the softest sound in the
a cat's rumbling purr

Thursday, October 28, 2010

the doe

this morning
a deer is in the city
a doe is bounding through the streets

the free heart is so heavy,
it bounds in graceful fear

it seeks the shelter of trees
the flank of its long lost mother

it seeks rest,
yet finds a demon in every moving thing

it is a miraculous outsider

Saturday, October 16, 2010

afternoon in autumn

air traffic over the cemetery
is busy today - morning doves,
gulls, crows

sitting still under a blanket,
i watch the afternoon fade
while the shadow moon moves
across the sky

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

duck pond

the firs tree that sigh
over the duck pond
by waterloo city hall

in the middle of the traffic
and events, dinners out,
fashionable coats, and concert posters
this ordinary place

i can't sleep for how much
i want to change
how much i want to be
an ordinary, beloved duck pond
with firs sighing nearby
in an autumn wind

Sunday, October 10, 2010

indian summer

thanks be to
yellow and orange and blue brilliance
leaves and the autumn sky

year after year
i return to this forest
the earth changes
but the sky is the same

when my heart is fearful
i remember the breath
like the sky

leaving the woods, today
to come, find you,
and hear you
this brilliance remains in my heart

Friday, October 8, 2010

feeling sad

ten blue jays
my heart is full
my heart is empty